Horse Agistment
The Equine Care Clinic offers horse agistment options for a limited number of clients.
Our specialised horse agistment is based on best practice horse keeping AND to ensure minimum owner requirements. We want you to come and enjoy your horse without having all the work of the maintenance.
Being from a corporate background myself I find riding and working with my horses to be my ‘soul’ time. What we offer to horse owners is a full care service with the added advantage of carers who know what to do when things go wrong. There is no DIY offer available and no single horse yards or paddocks for agistment horses.
We know that you don’t want to spend your time picking up manure and running back and forth to take off rugs, turning up when the farrier/trimmer comes, making sure worming is done and the dentist comes regularly.
We will take care of all of that for you.
There are three package levels. But before we go into this let us share with your what we have learned about the best caring practice for horses.
Firstly, horses are herd animals. As such, they should be kept together in groups. Shared accommodation makes horses calmer, helps them maintain weight, reduces the risk of colic, gastric ulcers and laminitis. This is because horses are animals designed to graze 16-20 hours per day. Over time, and in order to make it easier for us humans, we have come to believe that keeping horses on their own in a small paddock where we can feed them twice a day and spend half our lives picking up manure is the best way. It’s not.
Some of the problems found with keeping horses in herds was that it was hard to give horses additional feeds, they exhibited difficult behaviours when removed from the herd and we were a bit scared of going in amongst all the other horses but all of this can be managed.
At the Equine Care Clinic we have set up systems based on the Equiculture ( ) and paddock paradise practices of horse keeping. The philosophies behind this are that horses are kept together but in groups of 3 or 4 at maximum so they are not overwhelming as a group and if one or two are removed the others don’t get stressed. They are able to move continuously and have access to grazing and ad lib hay at all times reducing stress and the risk of laminitis.
- Paddocks are never allowed to be grazed down to ground level (except in sacrifice feeding and watering stations) which reduces weeds and worm problems.
- All fences are electrified to reduce risk of injury.
- Dung beetles assist in reducing manure and this along with harrowing and resting of paddocks create sustainable pasture management.
- Our pastures are predominantly native grasses and we regularly analyse our grasses and then adjust horse diets accordingly.
- Our horses do very well and hard feeding is kept to a minimum thereby reducing costs associated with keeping horses.
Agistment Packages
Premium Package - $250 per week (inc GST)
Checked twice daily
Ad lib hay provided
Hard feeding twice daily (feed supplied against feed analysis testing)
Rugs on/off as needed (no limit)
Trimming/farrier organised for you (charged to your account)
Use of facilities (arena, hot wash, stables if vacant before events, tearoom, tack room)
Faecal egg testing
De worming (products included)
Nutrition and care advice as required
Paddocks cleaned and horses rotated as required
Any medications required
Horse brought in ready and waiting for you (4 times per week)
Stabling as required (subject to availability – sick or injured horses take priority)
20% off any equine care clinic products and clinics held at venue
50% off any nursing care required in event of injury or illness
Horse worked x 1 per week
Horse tacked up and waiting whenever you visit
We have access to high quality Vets, body workers, trainers and other equine care practitioners.
We are located next to State Forest areas and fabulous bush riding – it’s a relaxed, inclusive environment for horses and people alike.
Our facilities are developing and growing over time and much more is planned with onsite accommodation, day yards, equitation/extreme cowboy obstacles and jumping course.
Intermediate Care - $150 per week (inc GST)
Checked twice daily
Ad lib hay provided
Hard feeding twice daily (feed at cost)
Rugs on/off as needed (limit 2 only)
Trimming/farrier organised for you (charged to your account)
Use of facilities (arena, round yard hot wash, stables if vacant before events, tearoom, tack room)
Faecal egg testing
De worming (products charged at cost)
Nutrition and care advice as required
Paddocks cleaned and horses rotated as required
Float parking - external
Any medications required
Horse brought in ready and waiting for you
Stabling x 4 times per month as required
Horse tacked up 4 times per month
20% off any equine care clinic products and clinics held at venue
35% off any nursing care required in event of injury or illness
Basic Care Package - $90 per week (inc GST)
Checked twice daily
Ad lib hay provided
Hard feeding once per day (feed at cost)
Rugs on/off as needed (limit 2 only)
Trimming/farrier organized for you (charged to your account)
Use of facilities (arena, round yard, hot wash, stables if vacant before events, tearoom, tack room)
Faecal egg testing
De worming (products charged at cost)
Vaccinations (products charged at cost)
10% off all Equine Care Clinic products
25% off any nursing care required in event of injury or illness
Nutrition and care advice as required
Paddocks cleaned and horses rotated as required
Float parking – external
Don't know where to start?
Get in touch, either by email or, why not give us a call 0408554823